The vibrant world of our nursery children came alive on September 15, 2023 as they celebrated Red Day with an enchanting theme “Kumkum“. The event was a delightful blend of fun, learning and creativity, leaving the little ones with cherished memories.

The classrooms were beautifully decorated with red balloons and streamers, and kumkum themed posters adorned with walls, creating an inviting and festive atmosphere. Nursery children and teachers dressed in shades of red, enhancing the thematic element of the celebration. Each child brought an object from home for a “Show and Tell” session. It encouraged them to speak in front of their peers, fostering confidence and language development.

A special snack time featured delicious red fruits like apples, strawberries, and watermelon. Children indulged in kumkum finger painting, expressing their creativity with red colours.

The “Red Day with Kumkum Theme” celebration was a resounding success. It not only provided a platform for fun and creative expression, but also helped the nursery children learn about cultural traditions in an enjoyable way. The smiles on their faces and the colourful memories created will be cherished by all for a long time.